Houston January Monthly Meeting
19th Annual Houston Masters of Charity Golf Tournament

Enjoy incredible food, enter to win some great raffle prizes, and try your luck at three different on-course competitions, all compliments of our generous sponsors! The OHH Masters of Charity Golf Tournament is in its 19th year and continues to be one of the premier oilfield golf tournaments in the Houston area. Sign up today and …
5th Annual Houston Summer Fun Pistol Shoot
20th Annual Houston Saltwater Splash Fishing Tournament

Join us for a great day of fishing, fun, and prizes, to benefit families in our oilfield community. The tournament will provide an opportunity for you to meet your fellow OHH members and contribute to a worthwhile cause. There is no other organization out there to “take care of our extended oilfield families,” and OHH …
21st Annual Houston Spring Break Sporting Clays Tournament

Enjoy a beautiful day of competition, fun and camaraderie, all benefiting the Houston oilfield community. Participate in an exciting one-day shooting tournament featuring one flight with three different courses. Feast on delicious food prepared by the event’s numerous cook teams and register to win fantastic door prizes!
9th Annual Winter Fun Pistol Shoot Recap
With its best and most profitable event to-date, the 9th Annual Winter Fun Pistol Shoot was a great success! With $28,000 going back to benefit OHH recipient families, this record-setting shoot would not have been possible without an amazing group of volunteers and fantastic sponsors! Thank You to These Sponsors Congratulations to Our Winners 1st …