Houston December Happy Hour
20th Annual Fall Classic Sporting Clays Tournament
20th Annual Saltwater Splash Tournament Recap
Celebrating 20 years of this exciting event, OHH held its Annual Saltwater Splash Tournament on June 13-14. We had an amazing turnout with 39 company sponsors, 85 teams, 364 fishermen and sold out on all square raffle boards! Thank you to everyone that came out, volunteered, and participated together to help OHH raise more than …
20th Annual Saltwater Splash Tournament
Houston August Monthly Meeting

Join us for an OHH Houston Chapter Monthly Meeting at Saltgrass Steak House in The Back Forty Room located at 1803 Shepherd Dr., Houston, TX 77007. There is open parking at the side of the restaurant with overflow parking in adjacent lots. EVENT DETAILS WHAT: OHH Houston August Monthly Meeting WHERE: Saltgrass Steak House – …
Houston July Happy Hour
Houston Monthly Meeting
Houston May Monthly Meeting
10th Annual OHH Houston Winter Fun Pistol Shoot Recap
The numbers are in for the 10th Annual OHH Houston Winter Fun Pistol Shoot! Thanks to everyone that came out, volunteered, and participated together in support of OHH’s mission to help oilfield families in critical need. We hosted 34 teams, sold out on 2 square raffle boards, and 25 companies sponsored, helping OHH raise more …