Houston April Monthly Meeting
22nd Annual Houston Spring Break Sporting Clays Tournament
Houston May Monthly Meeting
21st Annual Houston Saltwater Splash Fishing Tournament
Houston July Happy Hour
Houston August Monthly Meeting
6th Annual Houston Summer Fun Pistol Shoot
Houston September Monthly Meeting
20th Annual Houston Masters of Charity Golf Tournament
21st Annual Fall Classic Sporting Clays Tournament
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Thank you to These Sponsors
2025 OHH Houston Monthly Meeting Sponsor
2025 OHH Houston Volunteer Appreciation Sponsor
2025 OHH Houston Volunteer Appreciation Sponsor
2025 OHH Houston Volunteer Appreciation Sponsor
The Oilfield Helping Hands Houston Chapter is the original, the flagship, and the inspiration to begin and grow the other chapters and continue the OHH mission. Back in 2003, several Houston Halliburton Baroid employees organized a sporting clays tournament to benefit a fellow employee whose family savings had been depleted by several serious unforeseen medical expenses. To their delight, the event was such a huge success that the group decided to continue their efforts.
We raise money through our corporate memberships and six fundraising events each year. Our generous sponsors donate not only monetarily, but sometimes even their products and services and their valuable time. They are a crucial, fundamental part of what we do that can’t be achieved without this kind of dedication and support.
The funds raised are given based on the need to members of the Houston area oilfield family that live and/or work within the greater Houston and surrounding areas, including Harris, Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Liberty, Montgomery and Waller counties.
Mark LaRue
Bench Tree
Vice President
Jessica Corenchuk
Milestone Environmental Services
Mary-Anne LeBlanc
Gator Technologies
Jenny Kelldorf
Altitude Energy Partners
Grant Review Chairman
Shannon Travis
Gator Technologies

22nd Annual Houston Spring Break Sporting Clays Tournament
Westside Sporting Grounds
10120 Pattison Road, Katy, TX 77493

21st Annual Houston Saltwater Splash Fishing Tournament
Port O’Connor Community Center
3674 W. Adams St., Port O’Connor, TX 77982

20th Annual Houston Masters of Charity Golf Tournament
BlackHorse Golf Club
12205 Fry Road, Cypress, TX 77433